Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Majlis Perpisahan Presiden di Star KTV, Bangsar

One for the album (not in the pic: Sue, Chah & Daq)

It was a coincidence that this event was organised exactly one year since we did our first Family Day in Cherating, last year. It was indeed a memorable afternoon attended by more than 30 of us (+ family members) with the guests of honour from KB; Mat Ju, McJas & Sue.

The guests were entertained by our very own artists and the kids were treated with fun and games. It was truly a historic event for Star KTV as I don't think anyone ever organised such event there.

Some of us have not met with each other since we left school 20 years ago. Some didn't recognise one another sampai naik satu lif pun tak cam - buat donno aje. Maybe dalam hati duk tertanya2.. macam cam je, tapi sape ek?

The food was admirable, too. The spread was fantastic and the lamb was succulent and the kids were treated with ice-creams. So far, nobody complaint about the food. So I guess everyone was happy.

Mat Ju gave his last speech as the President, reminding us all the need to be closer and give our support to Jenal and the future President. He's pretty good in giving speech, maybe dia selalu buat speeches masa menjalankan tugasan dia. We presented a token of appreciation to him and wished him the best of luck in his studies.

For the record, when he pass his PhD (in about 3 years from now), he will be the FIRST MALAYSIAN to get a doctorate in his field. Imagine that! We have a record in a making. We are all proud of him and hope he will claim that crown soon.

Anyway, I have placed a slideshow below for all of you to enjoy. Hopefully we can have another get-together someday. Maybe a BBQ hang-outs for a more relaxing spirit....



At June 13, 2007 11:36 PM, Blogger Unknown said...

kawe tak cae lasung yuzly

At June 14, 2007 8:39 AM, Blogger taja said...

There are 'kids' in all of us....the comraderie will live on forever.

At June 14, 2007 11:00 AM, Blogger yusri said...

siapa yang pakai tudung ala2 ogy tu tak clas lansung nampak....tak sesuaiiiiiii la


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