Tuesday, June 20, 2006

Kemeriahan suasana Hari Keluarga SEMESTA86

Azlin doing the aerobicthon before the games start

"Meriah" is such an understatement - words like "ecstasy" should be more appropriate. Or words like amusement, animation, bliss, charm, cheer, comfort, delectation, delight, elation, exaltation, exultation, exulting, felicity, festivity, frolic, fruition, gaiety, gem, gladness, glee, good humor, gratification, hilarity, humor, indulgence, jewel, jubilance, liveliness, luxury, merriment, mirth, pleasure, pride, prize, rapture, ravishment, refreshment, regalement, rejoicing, revelry, satisfaction, solace, sport, transport, treasure, treat, wonder... phew!! Now THAT is "meriah" to you..

Ingat "Crocodile Dundee"... rupa2nya "Biawak Sdi" saje... (jangan marah aaahh)

Almost all the time was meriah time - gelar menggelar menjadi permainan biasa. Seperti kata Sdi-k; "..banyok gelaran2 (kepada Sdi-k) yang dipanggil masa sekoloh dulu.. tapi 'Aiman tak kisah...'" Nama2 gelaran glamer mereka ini lah yang banyak menjadi topik hangat masa di sana. Apa agaknya yang bermain difikiran anak2 kita semua - barangkali sama seperti yang ditanya oleh anok Taja "..rambut orang dulu2 macam tu ka?" [note the operative word: dulu2 - for crying out loud, it only felt like yesterday!!]. I guess everyone will go through that phase. How dreadful it is to imagine what our kids will go through...scary, I tell you.

Our kids, our future... but the happiest kid is on far left...

The best games by far is the volleyball belon air - it was damn hillarious, man. Even with an injured knee, I braved myself as I can't imagine not joining this game. Jjale denge 3-selinder pun takpo... Kekcoh2 pun buke lubuk... But the best part was bila nak lambung belon tu ssakut di towel - then pecah bila jatuh atas tanoh. Mujur takdok hok pecah atah oghe...

Teka mmano belon air... (hint: buke ddale mulut Sdi..)

I will post some of the photos in my flickr site as I'm afraid we'll run out of space in the yahoogroups photo section. The photos that I will upload are only about 20% of the total photos that I have, and they will take around 20Mb of space (total of about 50 photos). Itu pun after I resized them. If anyone would like to have a print out on proper photo paper, I can do that for you (of course with some minimal charge for printing and postage lah.. :).

p.s.; I upload this post at the most unique time and date: 8:06 pm on 20th June 2006 - which read as follows: 20:06 20:06:2006 (or rather; 2006 2006 2006)..

Monday, June 19, 2006

Family Day SEMESTA86

By the time this post comes out, many of us who went to MBR has settled into their daily routine of life. Yes, we are back in the present time. But for that 3 days and 2 nights we re-lived the days when we were the teenagers of the mid-80’s. For that brief moments, we were 18 again.

And now, those were just moments in our minds. In us all, one thing remains; that warm and wonderful feeling that is permanently etched in each and everyone’s heart. Everybody had a good time and those were truly priceless moments.

To sum up everything, here are some of the comments made those who were there...

Amy wrote:

I'm glad to have finally made the right decision of going to MBR on Thursday (Along and Nik Shanita know that I almost cancelled the trip....) Anyway, well done to all. Especially the President and committee members for all the hard work. Berbaloi.... I enjoyed every minute of it (And so did my husband!). Ayang and Along, I'll collect the contribution and pass kat sapa? We can use that for other occasion....

Along, Shean, Ayang, Alang, Yoh, Hie, Nolly, Ellynn, Sue and Irang: good to see you all again after so many years, especially Irang and Nolly. It's been soooo looong. 15 - 20 years?

To the rest (and respective spouse and kids, of course), I'll treasure every minute of the memories in MBR. Hope to be able to do that again, soon.

Zaid wrote:

What a BLAST!! Truly PRICELESS moments!! Mace Jelin kato, betul-betul enjoy sapa tokleh nok dihuraikan denge kato-kato....masih tersengih bila teringat saat-saat manis bermain water balloon volley ball, dan kepada yang bermain paintball, rasa sakit/pedih tu sure hilang bila teringat the exciting moments.

3h/2m rasa pendek sangat, dan masa check-out, payoh nok balik sampai bini kena mari turut 3 kali...timbul satu rasa sedih dan kehilangan utk meninggalkan kawan-kawan ssemo....tok sabar doh nok tunggu the next event(s).

I have gone through the feedback forms, and what can I say - majority gave almost perfect scores! The crowd favourite was clearly the slideshow.

Doc Rae wrote:

Indeed it was the best gathering that i've attended so far. So long I have not laughed so much. Malam masa pekena bihun goreng tu hampir2 dislocated my temporomandibular joint (sendi rahang)...

Shean wrote:

Saat-saat bersama di MBR masih lagi terngiang-ngiang diingatan. Lots of thanks for those who directly or indirectly involved in organizing the event,specially to Jue, Just, Pok Eid, Sedi, Along, Ayang, Ayinn, Alang, Hie and others.

p.s. rasanya kalu buat reunion 20 tahun lagi, tok leh doh nok main terompah gergasi, jadi tuke angkat pulok kot!! Masing2 bowok cucu-cicit pulok... sweet memories remain...