Sunday, September 10, 2006

New Logo..

I was tinkering with our anniversary logo and thought hey!, why not come out with our very own logo. So, presto, with a little bit of cut-n-paste, voila, a SEMESTA86 logo...

Now, it's just a proposal, but if you all agree, we can officially adopt this logo as the official SEMESTA86 logo and use it in any promo items.

Any comments?

Saturday, September 09, 2006

The Anniversary Dinner (part 1)

It was a night to remember indeed. All the hard work that was put to make this event a success was all worth the sweat and energy. Kudos to all who have given so much to make it happen.

There was a good turnout, but I believe if it's not because of the heavy downpour, many more would have turned up - especially the ex-teachers. Nevertheless, we are ever so grateful for those who came.

I do not have much to say in this post regarding the dinner. Maybe I'll write more in the next part of this topic. I haven't updated the photo albums as I need to resize many more photos before uploading them to the album. So, harap bersabar...

Lagu2 mano pun, hopefully the 2 pics in this post will show you how the gazebo turns out to be and see who had turned up that night.

Until the next post, enjoy!